
Note: Page numbers with “f’ denote figures; “t” tables.

A∗ algorithm, 280–293
Absolutely quotient space approachable, 300, 302
AND node, 149, 152
AND/OR graph, 3–5, 153f, 160, 295–296
Arcwise connected, 208, 351–353
Arcwise connectivity, 209
ASM method, 255, 371–373
Assembly planning, 194, 195
linear assembly planning, 194, 197
monotonic assembly planning, 195
sequential assembly planning, 194
Attribute function, 5, 62, 117–127
Attribute synthetic principle, 117–119
Belief function, 141
Belief theory, 132
Characteristic network, 213, 221–230, 235, 236f, 238f, 241–242, 246
Closure operation, 315–320, 355–362
Closure space, 316, 355–360
Collision-free paths planning, 210–216, 224, 231–237
Complete semi-order lattice, 14
Complexity function, 48–49
Compressed ...

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