
And now for some light reading …

[auer2002] [Auer, 2002] Ken, Auer, and Roy Miller. Extreme Programming Applied. Boston: Addison-Wesley, <year>2002</year>.

[baetjer1998] [Baetjer, 1998] Howard. Baetjer, Software As Capital. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, <year>1998</year>.

[beck2000] [Beck, 2000] Kent. Beck, Extreme Programming Explained. Boston: Addison-Wesley, <year>2000</year>.

[beckandcunningham] [Beck and Cunningham]

[beckandfowler2001] [Beck and Fowler, 2001] Kent, Beck, and Martin Fowler. Planning Extreme Programming. Boston: Addison-Wesley, <year>2001</year>.

[boehm2002] [Boehm, 2002] Barry. Boehm,Get Ready for Agile Methods, With Care.IEEE Computer 2002; 35(1): 64–69.

[boehm1981] ...

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