Creating an interactive extension

This recipe follows on from the previous one to show how we add interactivity to our QlikView.

Getting ready

Create the extension from the Creating a simple HTML table recipe.

How to do it…

Follow these steps to create an interactive extension:

  1. Edit the Script.js file. Modify the rowstring value like this:
    var rowstring = "<tr><td class='myTable' onClick='onmyrowclick({2});'>{0}</td><td class='myTableR'>{1}</td></tr>";
  2. Just below this line, add this new code block:
    // Register a function to handle the click
    window.onmyrowclick = function(irow)
  3. Finally, modify the line that builds the HTML (under the // Generate HTML comment):
    html += rowstring.format(row[0].text, addCommas(row[1].text), i); ...

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