Piecing together n-grams

Much has been written about NLTK being used to identify n-grams within text.  An n-gram is a set of words, n words in length, that are common within a document/corpus (occurring 2 or more times).  A 2-gram is any two words commonly repeated, a 3-gram is a three word phrase, and so on.  We will not look into determining the n-grams in a document.  We will focus on reconstructing known n-grams from our token streams, as we will consider those n-grams to be more important to a search result than the 2 or 3 independent words found in any order.

In the domain of parsing job listings, important 2-grams can be things such as  Computer Science, SQL Server, Data Science, and Big Data.  Additionally, we could consider C# a 2-gram ...

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