How to do it

We proceed with the recipe as follows:

  1. The following code will read the planets data and write it to the database (code in 03/
import psycopg2from get_planet_data import get_planet_datatry:  # connect to PostgreSQL  conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='scraping' host='localhost' user='postgres' password='mypassword'")  # the SQL INSERT statement we will use  insert_sql = ('INSERT INTO public."Planets"(name, mass, radius, description, moreinfo) ' +          'VALUES (%(Name)s, %(Mass)s, %(Radius)s, %(Description)s, %(MoreInfo)s);')  # open a cursor to access data  cur = conn.cursor()  # get the planets data and loop through each  planet_data = get_planet_data()  for planet in planet_data:    # write each record cur.execute(insert_sql, ...

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