How to do it

There is a working example in the 06/ script. In Scrapy, caching middleware is disabled by default. To enable this cache, set HTTPCACHE_ENABLED to True and HTTPCACHE_DIR to a directory on the file system (using a relative path will create the directory in the project's data folder). To demonstrate, this script runs a crawl of the NASA site, and caches the content. It is configured using the following:

if __name__ == "__main__":    process = CrawlerProcess({        'LOG_LEVEL': 'CRITICAL',        'CLOSESPIDER_PAGECOUNT': 50,        'HTTPCACHE_ENABLED': True,        'HTTPCACHE_DIR': "."    })    process.crawl(Spider)    process.start()

We ask Scrapy to cache using files and to create a sub-directory in the current folder. We also instruct it to limit ...

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