How it works

The spider is defined as the following:

class Spider(scrapy.spiders.SitemapSpider):    name = 'spider'    sitemap_urls = ['']    def parse(self, response):        print("Parsing: ", response)        print (response.request.meta.get('redirect_urls'))

This is identical to our previous NASA sitemap based crawler, with the addition of one line printing the redirect_urls. In any call to parse, this metadata will contain all redirects that occurred to get to this page.

The crawling process is configured with the following code:

process = CrawlerProcess({    'LOG_LEVEL': 'DEBUG',    'DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES':        {            "scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.redirect.RedirectMiddleware": 500        },    'REDIRECT_ENABLED': True,    'REDIRECT_MAX_TIMES': 2})

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