How it works

The recipe works as follows:

  1. The script starts by calling get_sitemap():
map = sitemap.get_sitemap("")
  1. This is given a URL to the sitemap.xml file (or any other file - non-gzipped). The implementation simply gets the content at the URL and returns it:
def get_sitemap(url):    get_url = requests.get(url)    if get_url.status_code == 200:        return get_url.text    else:        print ('Unable to fetch sitemap: %s.' % url)
  1. The bulk of the work is done by passing that content to parse_sitemap(). In the case of, this sitemap contains the following content, a sitemap index file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="//"?><sitemapindex xmlns=""> ...

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