How it works

This works by adding another Flask-RESTful class implementation:

class JobSearch(Resource):    def post(self):        skills = request.form['skills']        print("Request for jobs with the following skills: " + skills)        host = 'localhost'        if os.environ.get('ES_HOST'):            host = os.environ.get('ES_HOST')        print("ElasticSearch host: " + host)        es = Elasticsearch(hosts=[host])        search_definition = {            "query": {                "match": {                    "JSON.skills": {                        "query": skills,                        "operator": "AND"                    }                }            },            "_source": ["ID"]        }        try:            result ="joblistings", doc_type="job-listing", body=search_definition)            print(result)            return result        except:            return sys.exc_info()[0]api.add_resource(JobSearch, '/', '/joblistings/search')

This class implements a post method as a resource ...

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