How it works

The crawl starts with defining a one level of depth crawl:

crawl_depth = 1process = CrawlerProcess({    'LOG_LEVEL': 'ERROR',    'DEPTH_LIMIT': crawl_depth})process.crawl(WikipediaSpider)spider = next(iter(process.crawlers)).spiderspider.max_items_per_page = 5spider.max_crawl_depth = crawl_depthprocess.start()for pm in spider.linked_pages:    print(pm.depth,, pm.child_link)print("-"*80)

This information is similar to the previous recipe, and new we need to convert it into a model that NetworkX can use for a graph. This starts with creating a NetworkX graph model:

g = nx.Graph()

A NetworkX graph consists of nodes and edges.  From the data collected we must crate a set of unique nodes (the pages) and the edges (the fact that a page ...

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