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The JobListingSkills API implementation follows a slightly different pattern. The following is its code:

class JobListingSkills(Resource):    def get(self, job_listing_id):        print("Request for job listing's skills with id: " + job_listing_id)        es = Elasticsearch()        if (es.exists(index='joblistings', doc_type='job-listing', id=job_listing_id)):            print('Found the document in ElasticSearch')            doc =  es.get(index='joblistings', doc_type='job-listing', id=job_listing_id)            return doc['_source']['JSON']['skills']        skills = get_job_listing_skills(job_listing_id)        print("Got the following skills as a response: " + skills)        return skills

This implementation only uses ElasticSearch to the extent of checking if the document already is in ElasticSearch.  ...

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