How it works

The explanation is as follows. The script begins by executing the following code:

if __name__ == "__main__":    geo_ips = collect_geo_ips('Web_scraping', 500)    for geo_ip in geo_ips:        print(geo_ip)    with open('geo_ips.json', 'w') as outfile:        json.dump(geo_ips, outfile)

A call is made to collect_geo_ips which will request the page with the specified topic and up to 500 edits. These geo IPs are then printed to the console, and also written to the geo_ips.json file.

The code for collect_geo_ips is the following:

def collect_geo_ips(article_title, limit):    ip_addresses = get_history_ips(article_title, limit)    print("Got %s ip addresses" % len(ip_addresses))    geo_ips = get_geo_ips(ip_addresses)    return geo_ips

This function first makes a call ...

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