How to do it

We will make a few small changes to our API code.  The code from the previous recipe has been copied into 09/04/, with the few modifications made. 

  1. First, we add an import for elasticsearch-py:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
  1. Now we make a quick modification to the get method of the JobListing class (I've done the same in JobListingSkills, but it's omitted here for brevity):
class JobListing(Resource):    def get(self, job_listing_id):        print("Request for job listing with id: " + job_listing_id)        listing = get_job_listing_info(job_listing_id)        es = Elasticsearch()        es.index(index='joblistings', doc_type='job-listing', id=job_listing_id, body=listing)        print("Got the following listing as a response: " + listing)        return ...

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