Chapter 3. What’s the Right Framework for You?

By this point, you know a little bit about which Python web frameworks are out there, and even have a little in-depth knowledge about some of them. Still, you might be wondering which one is best for you. This is not a question that can be answered here to your satisfaction, because every reader of this guide will have different needs. However, I can offer some general guidelines and answer a couple of frequently asked questions by people new to Python web development.

Don’t Look for Absolute Bests

Recommending one framework over all of the others is not the purpose of this guide, but it’s possible to tell you which frameworks not to look for. New web developers in community forums like reddit usually start looking for one of these, and even if they could find it, it would be the wrong approach to solving their specific problem.

The “Best” Framework

If you search the archives of Python web forums, you’ll find that this question appears every couple of weeks. The thinking goes like this: “Hey, if I’m going to get into web development, I should use the best framework out there.” The problem is that there’s no one right answer to this question.

That’s why this book contains a list of 30 frameworks and reviews for half a dozen of them. The reality is that many frameworks could be considered the “best,” depending on your specific objectives and your preferred way of working. Picking one or two of the frameworks discussed here ...

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