Using Fixtures for Test Data

Fixtures are a great place to store data to use for testing. You can return anything. Here’s a fixture returning a tuple of mixed type:

 def​ a_tuple():
 """Return something more interesting."""
 return​ (1, ​'foo'​, None, {​'bar'​: 23})
 def​ test_a_tuple(a_tuple):
 """Demo the a_tuple fixture."""
 assert​ a_tuple[3][​'bar'​] == 32

Since test_a_tuple() should fail (23 != 32), we can see what happens when a test with a fixture fails:

 $ ​​cd​​ ​​/path/to/code/ch3
 $ ​​pytest​​ ​​
 ===================== test session starts ======================
 collected 1 item F
 =========================== FAILURES ...

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