

% string formatting operator, Output Formatting
⇒ object, The copy Module
& (ampersand), Markup Languages
* (asterisk)
apply function, using in place of, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
.dat (binary files), using dumbdbm module, The dumbdbm Module
.dir (text files), using dumbdbm module, The dumbdbm Module
\ (backward slashes), as directory separators, The dospath Module
\N{} excapes, mapping unicode characters, The ucnhash Module
/ (forward slash), as directory separators, The dospath Module
< (less then), in markup languages, Markup Languages
<P> (paragraph) tag, Markup Languages
> (greater than), Markup Languages
? (question mark)
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
[ ... ] (brackets)
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
[:] syntax (full slice), The copy Module


abstract syntax tree (AST), The parser Module
AbstractFormatter class, The formatter Module
AbstractWriter class, The formatter Module
accept loop, The socket Module
advisory lock, using fcntl module for locking files, The fcntl Module
aifc module, The aifc Module
ampersand (&), Markup Languages
anydbm module, The anydbm Module
Apache, using mimetypes, The mimetypes Module
apply function, building function argument lists, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
archive formats, Archive Formats
gzip module and, The gzip Module
zipfile module and, ...

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