The urlparse Module

The urlparse module contains functions to process URLs, and to convert between URLs and platform-specific filenames. Example 7-16 demonstrates.

Example 7-16. Using the urlparse Module


import urlparse

print urlparse.urlparse("http://host/path;params?query#fragment")

('http', 'host', '/path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment')

A common use is to split an HTTP URL into host and path components (an HTTP request involves asking the host to return data identified by the path), as shown in Example 7-17.

Example 7-17. Using the urlparse Module to Parse HTTP Locators


import urlparse

scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment =\

if scheme == "http":
    print "host", "=>", host
    if params:
        path = path + ";" + params
    if query:
        path = path + "?" + query
    print "path", "=>", path

host => host
path => /path;params?query

Alternatively, Example 7-18 shows how you can use the urlunparse function to put the URL back together again.

Example 7-18. Using the urlparse Module to Parse HTTP Locators


import urlparse

scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment =\

if scheme == "http":
    print "host", "=>", host
    print "path", "=>", urlparse.urlunparse(
    (None, None, path, params, query, None)

host => host
path => /path;params?query

Example 7-19 uses the urljoin function to combine an absolute URL with ...

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