A quick task for you

Q1. How do you start pygame?

  1. pygame.display.set_mode()
  2. pygame.init()
  3. pygame.exit()
  4. pygame.quit

Q2. How do objects move in pygame?

  1. Objects move using speed
  2. Objects move using gravity
  3. Objects move using collision detection
  4. Objects only appear to move, but they are actually constantly redrawn.

Q3. How is an object redrawn using pygame?

  1. pygame.rerender()
  2. pygame.display.object()
  3. pygame.display.update()
  4. pygame.rect()

Q4. What is the shorthand used to identify keys in pygame?

  1. pygame.K_keyname
  2. pygame.keyname
  3. pygame.keys.K.name
  4. pygame.key

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