
In Java there are two types of menus: menubar and popup. The following section shows how to add a menubar to a frame.

JMenu Bar

Import the JMenuBar class from java.swing.

>>> from javax.swing import JJMenuBar

Create an instance of it.

>>> bar = JJMenuBar()

Import and create an instance of JFrame.

>>> from javax.swing import JFrame
>>> frame = JFrame()

Set the JMenuBar property of the frame to the JMenuBar instance.

>>> frame.JJMenuBar = bar
>>> frame.visible=1

Now that we have a menubar added in the frame, we need to add a menu to it. Create a menu (JMenu), and add it to the menubar.

>>> from javax.swing import JMenu
>>> fruitMenu = JMenu("Fruit")
>>> bar.add(fruitMenu)
>>> frame.pack()

Add menu items to the menu.

 >>> from javax.swing ...

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