Prepending the email to our messages

One thing that our TempMessenger is missing is accountability. We have no idea which users are posting what, which is fine for an anonymous messaging application (and if that is what you want, then skip this section altogether). To do this, when we store our messages, we will want to also store the email of the user who sent it.

Let's start by revisiting the dependency. Update save_message in our RedisClient to the following:

def save_message(self, email, message): 
    message_id = uuid4().hex 
    payload = { 
        'email': email, 
        'message': message, 
    self.redis.hmset(message_id, payload) 
    self.redis.pexpire(message_id, MESSAGE_LIFETIME) 
    return message_id 

The first thing you'll notice is that, in order ...

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