Creating the shopping cart form

We now have the models in place. Let's add a new form that will display the cart data on a page for editing. Open the file at gamestore/main/, and at the end of the file add the following code:

    ShoppingCartFormSet = inlineformset_factory(      ShoppingCart,      ShoppingCartItem,      fields=('quantity', 'price_per_unit'),      extra=0,      widgets={          'quantity': forms.TextInput({             'class': 'form-control quantity',          }),          'price_per_unit': forms.HiddenInput()      }    )

Here, we create an inline formset using the function inlineformset_factory. Inline formsets are suitable when we want to work with related objects via a foreign key. This is very convenient in the case we have here; we have a model ShoppingCart that relates to the 

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