Using Redis

Let's briefly look at the types of Redis commands that could be useful to us for TempMessenger:

  • SET: Sets a given key to hold a given string. It also allows us to set an expiration in seconds or milliseconds.
  • GET: Gets the value of the data stored with the given key.
  • TTL: Gets the time-to-live for a given key in seconds.
  • PTTL: Gets the time-to-live for a given key in milliseconds.
  • KEYS: Returns a list of all keys in the data store.

To try them out, we can use redis-cli which is a program that ships with our Redis container. To access it, first log in to the container by executing the following in your terminal:

docker exec -it redis /bin/bash

Then access redis-cli in the same terminal window by simply running:


There ...

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