Email templates

Now we are going to create the templates that are going to be used when sending the notification emails to the online (video) game store's customers.

In the application's root directory, create a directory called templates and create a file called  order_received_template.html, with the contents shown as follows:

<html>  <head>  </head>  <body>    <h1>Hi, {{customer_name}}!</h1>    <h3>Thank you so much for your order</h3>    <p>      <h3>Order id: {{order_id}}</h3>    </p>    <table border="1">      <thead>        <tr>          <th align="left" width="40%">Item</th>          <th align="left" width="20%">Quantity</th>          <th align="left" width="20%">Price per unit</th>        </tr>      </thead>      <tbody>        {% for item in order_items %}        <tr>          <td>{{}}</td>          <td>{{item.quantity}}</td> <td>${{item.price_per_unit}}</td> ...

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