Unit-testing a Nameko microservice

According to the documentation, http://url.marcuspen.com/nameko, Nameko is:

"A microservices framework for Python that lets service developers concentrate on application logic and encourages testability."

We will now focus on the testability part of Nameko; it provides some very useful tools for isolating and testing its services.

Create a new folder, tests, and place two new files inside, __init__.py (which can be left blank) and test_service.py:

from nameko.testing.services import worker_factory 
from temp_messenger.service import KonnichiwaService 
def test_konnichiwa(): 
    service = worker_factory(KonnichiwaService) 
    result = service.konnichiwa() 
    assert result == 'Konnichiwa!' 

When running outside of the ...

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