Making a HTML response

We can now start to use our new Jinja2 dependency in our WebServer. First, we need to include it in our imports of

from .dependencies.jinja2 import Jinja2 

Let's now amend our WebServer class to be the following:

class WebServer: 
    name = 'web_server' 
    message_service = RpcProxy('message_service') 
    templates = Jinja2() 
    @http('GET', '/') 
    def home(self, request): 
        messages = self.message_service.get_all_messages() 
        rendered_template = self.templates.render_home(messages) 
        return rendered_template 

Notice how we have assigned a new attribute, templates, like we did earlier in our MessageService with message_store. Our HTTP entrypoint now talks to our MessageService, retrieves all of the messages in Redis, and uses ...

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