Getting orders by status

The get_order_by_status function returns a list of orders given a status. There are two scenarios we have to test here:

  • If the method returns the correct number of orders given a specific status
  • That the correct exception is raised when passing an invalid argument to the method
def test_get_order_by_status(self):    order = Order.objects.get_orders_by_status(Status.Received)    self.assertEqual(2, len(order),                     msg=('There should be only 2 orders '                          'with status=Received.'))    self.assertEqual('',                     order[0] test_get_order_by_status_with_invalid_status(self):    with self.assertRaises(InvalidArgumentError):        Order.objects.get_orders_by_status(1)

Simple enough. The first test we call ...

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