Python Idioms and Hints

  • S [:] makes a top-level copy of any sequence object; copy.deepcopy(X) makes full copies.

  • L [:0] = [X,Y,Z ] inserts items at front of list L; L [len(L): ] = [X,Y,Z ] inserts at end (in-place “+”).

  • Uses for key in D.keys( ): to iterate through dictionaries; uses K=D.keys( ); K.sort( ) to order.

  • X = A or B or None assigns X to the first true object among A and B, or None if all are false (empty).

  • X, Y = Y, X swaps the values of X and Y; red, green, blue = range(3) assigns integer series.

  • Uses if __name__ == ‘__main__’: to add self-test code at the bottom of module files (true when run only).

  • To make a file an executable script, add line at top like #!/usr/bin/env python or #!/usr/local/bin/python.

  • Command-line arguments: sys.argv, environment: os.environ, streams: sys.stdin/stdout/stderror, filename expansion: glob.glob(“pattern”).

  • To run shell commands: os.system(cmd”), or output=os.popen(“cmd”).read( ), or os.fork/execv.

  • The dir( [object ]) function is useful for inspecting attribute namespaces; __doc__ often is documentation.

  • print and raw_input( ) use sys.stdout/stdin streams: assign to file-like objects to redirect I/O internally.

  • See Python references and books for topics skipped here: Python/C integration API, Tkinter GUI API, Windows tools (COM/ActiveX), Internet modules, JPython, etc.

  • Important web sites: (Python home), (updates to this).

  • You should always say “spam” and “eggs” instead of “foo” and “bar” in Python examples. ...

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