Collective communication using Alltoall

The Alltoall collective communication combines the scatter and gather functionality. In mpi4py, there are three types of Alltoall collective communication:

  • comm .Alltoall(sendbuf, recvbuf): The all-to-all scatter/gather sends data from all-to-all processes in a group
  • comm.Alltoallv(sendbuf, recvbuf): The all-to-all scatter/gather vector sends data from all-to-all processes in a group, providing different amount of data and displacements
  • comm.Alltoallw(sendbuf, recvbuf): Generalized all-to-all communication allows different counts, displacements, and datatypes for each partner

How to do it…

In the following example, we'll see a mpi4py implementation of comm.Alltoall. We consider a communicator group of processes, ...

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