Name localization

Now that we are familiar with all types of comprehensions and generator expression, let's talk about name localization within them. Python 3.* localizes loop variables in all four forms of comprehensions: list, dict, set, and generator expressions. This behavior is therefore different from that of the for loop. Let's see a simple example to show all the cases:

A = 100
ex1 = [A for A in range(5)]
print(A)  # prints: 100

ex2 = list(A for A in range(5))
print(A)  # prints: 100

ex3 = dict((A, 2 * A) for A in range(5))
print(A)  # prints: 100

ex4 = set(A for A in range(5))
print(A)  # prints: 100

s = 0
for A in range(5):
    s += A
print(A)  # prints: 4

In the preceding code, we declare a global name A = 100, and then we exercise the ...

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