

Image black chess knight character, 21

!= not equal operator, 48

& bitwise and operator, 133

() call, generator, and tuple operator, 22; see also __call__()

* multiplication and sequence unpacking operator, 13, 26, 3031, 43, 49, 70, 109

** mapping unpacking operator, 13, 222, 241242, 248

< less than operator, 48; see also __lt__()

<= less than or equal operator, 48

== equal operator, 48; see also __eq__()

> greater than operator, 48

>= greater than or equal operator, 48

>> bitwise right shift operator, 133

@ at symbol, 48, 52; see also decorator


abc (module), 3032, 35

ABCMeta (type); see top-level entry

abstractmethod(), 1214,

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