Internal Types

Some of the internal Python objects that I mention in this section are hard to use. Using such objects correctly and to the best effect requires some study of Python’s own C (or Java, or C#) sources. Such black magic is rarely needed, except to build general-purpose development frameworks and similar wizardly tasks. Once you do understand things in depth, Python empowers you to exert control if and when you need to. Since Python exposes many kinds of internal objects to your Python code, you can exert that control by coding in Python, even when a nodding acquaintance with C (or Java, or C#) is needed to read Python’s sources in order to understand what is going on.

Type Objects

The built-in type named type acts as a factory object, returning objects that are types. Type objects don’t have to support any special operations except equality comparison and representation as strings. However, most type objects are callable and return new instances of the type when called. In particular, built-in types such as int, float, list, str, tuple, set, and dict all work this way. The attributes of the types module are the built-in types, each with one or more names. For example, types.DictType and types.DictionaryType both refer to type({}), also known as dict. Besides being callable to generate instances, many type objects are useful because you can subclass them, as covered in Classes and Instances.

The Code Object Type

As well as by using built-in function compile, you can get a ...

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