


class MIMEAudio(_audiodata,_subtype=None,_encoder=None,**_params)

_audiodata is a byte string of audio data to pack in a message of MIME type 'audio/ _subtype‘. When _subtype is None, _audiodata must be parseable by standard Python module sndhdr to determine the subtype; otherwise MIMEAudio raises a TypeError. When _encoder is None, MIMEAudio encodes data as Base 64, which is generally optimal. Otherwise, _encoder must be callable with one parameter m, the message being constructed; _encoder must then call m .get_payload( ) to get the payload, encode the payload, put the encoded form back by calling m .set_payload, and set m ['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] appropriately. MIMEAudio passes the _params dictionary of keyword argument names and values to m .add_header to construct m’s Content-Type.

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