


class ServerProxy(url)

If the server at the given url supports introspection, s supplies an attribute s .server that in turn supplies three methods:

s .server.listMethods( )

Returns a list of strings, one per each method supported by the server.

s .server.methodSignature( name )

Returns a list of strings, each a signature of method name on the server. A signature string is composed of type names separated by commas: first the type of the return value, then the type of each argument. When method name has no defined signature, s.server.methodSignature( name ) returns some object that is not a list.

s .server.methodHelp( name )

Returns a string with help about method name. The string can be either plain text or HTML. When the method name has no defined help, s.server.methodHelp( name ) returns an empty string ''.

The following example uses xmlrpclib to access O’Reilly’s Meerkat open wire service (see for more information about Meerkat) and displays the last few news items about Python.

import xmlrpclib

proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(
results = proxy.meerkat.getItems({'search':'Python', 'num_items':7})

want_keys = 'title link description'.split( )
n = 0
for result in results:
    n = n + 1
    for key in want_keys:
        print '%d. %s: %s' % (n, key.title( ), result.get(key))

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