



Stores data in text mode. command is a string with an appropriate FTP command, typically 'STOR filename‘. file is a file open in text mode, which storlines reads, repeatedly calling file .readline( ), to obtain the data to transfer to the FTP server.

Here is a typical, simple example of ftplib use in an interactive interpreter session:

>>> import ftplib
>>> f = ftplib.FTP('')
>>> f.login( )
'230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.'
>>> f.retrlines('LIST')
drwxrwxr-x   4 webmaster webmaster      512 Oct 12  2001 pub
                        '226 Transfer complete.'
>>> f.cwd('pub')
'250 CWD command successful.'
>>> f.retrlines('LIST')
drwxrwsr-x   2 barry    webmaster      512 Oct 12  2001 jython
                        lrwx------   1 root     ftp            25 Aug  3  2001 python ->
                        drwxrwxr-x  43 webmaster webmaster     2560 Sep  3 17:22
                        '226 Transfer complete.'
>>> f.cwd('python')
'250 CWD command successful.'
>>> f.retrlines('LIST')
drwxrwxr-x   2 webmaster webmaster      512 Aug 23  2001 2.0
                          [ many result lines snipped ]
                        drwxrwxr-x   2 webmaster webmaster      512 Aug  2  2001 wpy
                        '226 Transfer complete.'
>>> f.retrlines('RETR README')
Python Distribution

                        Most subdirectories have a README or INDEX files explaining the
                          [ many result lines snipped ]
                        gzipped version of this file, and 'get misc.tar.gz' will fetch a
                        gzipped tar archive of the misc subdir.
                        '226 Transfer complete.'

In this case, the following far simpler code is equivalent:

print urllib.urlopen('').read( ...

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