


             suppress_small=None,separator=' ',

Returns a string representation s of array a, showing elements within brackets, separated by string separator. The last dimension is horizontal, the penultimate one vertical, and further dimensions are denoted by bracket nesting. If array_output is true, s starts with 'array(' and ends with ')‘. s ends with ",'X')" instead if X, which is a’s type code, is not Float, Complex, or Int, which lets you later use eval( s ) if separator is ',‘.

Lines longer than max_line_width (by default, 77) are broken up. precision determines how many digits are used per element (by default, 8). If suppress_small is true, very small numbers are shown as 0. You can change these defaults by binding attributes of module sys named output_line_width, float_output_precision, and float_output_suppress_small.

str( a ) is like array2string( a ). repr( a ) is like array2string( a ,separator=', ',array_output=True).

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