



Calls func ( arg,dirpath,namelist ) for each directory in the tree whose root is directory path, starting with path itself. In each such call to func, dirpath is the path of the directory being visited, and namelist is the list of dirpath’s contents as returned by os.listdir. func may modify namelist in-place (e.g., with del) to avoid visiting certain parts of the tree: walk further calls func only for subdirectories remaining in namelist after func returns, if any. arg is provided only for func’s convenience: walk just receives arg, and passes arg back to func each time walk calls func. A typical use of os.path.walk is to print all files and subdirectories in a tree:

import os
def print_tree(tree_root_dir):
    def printall(junk, dirpath, namelist):
        for name in namelist: 
            print os.path.join(dirpath, name)
    os.path.walk(tree_root_dir, printall, None)

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