


void interp.set(String name,PyObject value)
void interp.set(String name,Object value)

Binds the attribute named name in interp’s namespace to value. The second overload also converts the value to a PyObject.

The org.python.core package supplies a class __builtin__ whose static methods let your Java code access the functionality of Python built-in functions. The compile method, in particular, is quite similar to Python built-in function compile, covered in Chapter 8 and Chapter 13. Your Java code can call compile with three String arguments (a string of source code, a filename to use in error messages, and a kind that is normally "exec“), and compile returns a PyObject instance p that is a precompiled Python bytecode object. You can repeatedly call interp .exec( p ) to execute the Python statements in p without the overhead of compiling the Python source for each execution. The advantages are the same as covered in Chapter 13.

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