


class XMLGenerator(out=sys.stdout, encoding='iso-8859-1')

Subclasses xml.sax.ContentHandler and implements all that is needed to reproduce the input XML document on the given file-like object out with the specified encoding. When you must generate an XML document that is a small modification of the input one, you can subclass XMLGenerator, overriding methods and delegating most of the work to XMLGenerator’s implementations of the methods. For example, if all you need to do is rename some tags according to a dictionary, XMLGenerator makes it quite simple, as shown in the following example:

import xml.sax, xml.sax.saxutils

def tagrenamer(infile, outfile, renaming_dict):
    base = xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator

    class Renamer(base):
        def rename(self, name):
            return renaming_dict.get(name, name)
        def startElement(self, name, attrs):
            base.startElement(self, self.rename(name),
        def endElement(self, name):
            base.endElement(self, self.rename(name))

    xml.sax.parse(infile, Renamer(outfile))

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