

/ (backslash), 43

{} (curly brackets), 55

- (dash), 154

== (double equals), 23-24

= (equals), 23-24

% (percent sign), 58

[] (square brackets), 61

!= (unequal operator), 67

**kwargs, 88, 92

*args, 92


absolute value, 21


colors, to shapes (PyGame), 246

data, to databases, 202-203

else, to if statements, 29-30


to the end of lists, 64

to repositories, 264-265

logic, to Flask templates, 235-236

methods, to classes, 114-115

strings, together, 40-41

templates (Flask), 231

HTML, 231-232

variables (Flask), 231

views (Flask), 230

addition, 21

Android applications, creating, 287

appending data to files, 174

applications, 286

apps, Flask, 228-230

arrays, 17

Ascher, David, 292

attending conferences, 288

attributes, OOP (object-oriented ...

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