Testing file saving in save_record()

To demonstrate how to test file-writing with mock_open, let's test save_record():

    def test_save_record(self, mock_exists):

To test the conversion from a dict to a csv string, we'll need a sample record in both formats:

        record = {
            "Date": '2018-07-01', "Time": '12:00',             "Technician": 'Test Tech', "Lab": 'E',              "Plot": '7', "Seed sample": 'test',            "Humidity": '10', "Light": '99',             "Temperature": '20', "Equipment Fault": False,            "Plants": '10', "Blossoms": '200', "Fruit": '250',             "Min Height": '40', "Max Height": '50',            "Median Height": '55', "Notes": 'Test Note\r\nTest Note\r\n'}
        record_as_csv = (
            '2018-07-01,12:00,Test Tech,E,17,test,10,99,20,False,' '10,200,250,40,50,55,"Test ...

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