Creating buttons and changing their text property

Getting ready

This recipe extends the previous one. You can download the entire code from the Packt Publishing website.

How to do it...

We are adding a button that, when clicked, performs an action. In this recipe, we will update the label we added in the previous recipe, as well as updating the text property of the button.

# Modify adding a Label                                      # 1
aLabel = ttk.Label(win, text="A Label")                      # 2
aLabel.grid(column=0, row=0)                                 # 3

# Button Click Event Callback Function                       # 4
def clickMe():                                               # 5
    action.configure(text="** I have been Clicked! **")

# Adding a Button                                            # 6
action = ttk.Button(win, text="Click Me!", command=clickMe)  # 7
action.grid(column=1, row=0)                                 # 8


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