Operations on Numbers

The following operations can be applied to all numeric types:

Operation Description
x + y Addition
x - y Subtraction
x * y Multiplication
x / y Division
x ** y Power (x y )
x % y Modulo (x mod y )
-x Unary minus
+x Unary plus

For integers, division truncates the result to an integer. Thus, 7/4 is 1, not 1.75. The modulo operator returns the remainder of the division x / y . For example, 7 % 4 is 3. For floating-point numbers, the modulo operator returns the floating-point remainder of x / y , which is x - int(x / y ) * y . For complex numbers, the modulo operator returns x - int((x / y ).real ) * y .

The following shifting and bitwise logical operators can only be applied to integers and long integers: ...

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