Appendix A. Further Reading

There are a large number of books and online resources available for learning and programming Python. However, if like this book, your focus is on the use of Python 3, finding reliable information is made a bit more difficult simply due to the sheer volume of existing material written for earlier Python versions.

In this appendix, we provide a few selected links to material that may be particularly useful in the context of Python 3 programming and the recipes contained in this book. This is by no means an exhaustive list of resources, so you should definitely check to see if new titles or more up-to-date editions of these books have been published.

Online Resources
It goes without saying that Python’s own online documentation is an excellent resource if you need to delve into the finer details of the language and modules. Just make sure you’re looking at the documentation for Python 3 and not earlier versions.
Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) are invaluable if you want to understand the motivation for adding new features to the Python language as well as subtle implementation details. This is especially true for some of the more advanced language features. In writing this book, the PEPs were often more useful than the official documentation.
This is a large collection of video presentations and tutorials from past PyCon conferences, user group meetings, and more. It can ...

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