Getting a count of unique values for a single column

Pandas make it very easy to get the count of unique values for a single column of a DataFrame. Information like this can easily be used to create charts that help us better understand the data we're working with.

How to do it…

  1. To get a count of the unique values for a single column of a Pandas DataFrame, begin by importing the required libraries:
    import pandas as pd
  2. Next, import the dataset from the CSV file:
    accidents_data_file = '/Users/robertdempsey/Dropbox/private/Python Business Intelligence Cookbook/Data/Stats19-Data1979-2004/Accidents7904.csv' accidents = pd.read_csv(accidents_data_file, sep=',', header=0, index_col=False, parse_dates=['Date'], dayfirst=True, tupleize_cols=False, error_bad_lines=True, ...

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