Titlecasing anything

Part of standardizing data is ensuring that values look the same, that is, titlecasing values.

Getting ready

First install the titlecase library:

pip install titlecase

For demonstration purposes, let's create a new DataFrame to use.

import pandas as pd
lc = pd.DataFrame({
'people' : ["cole o'brien", "lise heidenreich", "zilpha skiles", "damion wisozk"],
'age' : [24, 35, 46, 57],
'ssn': ['6439', '689 24 9939', '306-05-2792', '992245832'],
'birth_date': ['2/15/54', '05/07/1958', '19XX-10-23', '01/26/0056'],
'customer_loyalty_level' : ['not at all', 'moderate', 'moderate', 'highly loyal']})

How to do it…

from titlecase import titlecase def titlecase_anything(thing): """ Uses the titlecase library to titlecase a string :param thing: ...

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