
JavaScript1.1+, JScript1.0+ Nav3+, IE3+, Opera3+ Syntax



The type property of an instance of a Text object returns the type of the text box. This always returns text.


Listing 7.504 has a text box and a button. When the button is clicked, an alert box is popped up that displays the type property of the text box.

Listing 7.504 Displaying the type Property in an Alert Box
 <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript1.1"> <!-- Hide // Display an alert box that contains the type of the // text box. function getType(){ alert("The name of this text box is " + document.myForm.elements[0].type); } // End hide ---> </script> </head> <body> <form name="myForm"> <input type=TEXT value="First Box" name="myText"> ...

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