
JavaScript 1.1+, JScript 1.0+ Nav3+, IE 3+, Opera3+ Syntax



The protocol property contains the protocol (http:, file:, ftp:, and so on) specified in the URL, including the ending colon (:). This property is a read/write string.


In Listing 7.18, the protocol property containing http: is displayed below the area link.

Listing 7.18 Accessing the protocol Property of an Area Object
 <html> <h2>The Color Page</h2> <map name="colorMap"> <area name="greenArea" coords="1,1,48,48" href="" target="_top"> </map> <img src="box4.gif" align="top" height="100" width="100" usemap="#colorMap"> <script> <!-- Hide //Display the protocol associated ...

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