Integrating the Shopping Cart

Now that we have a shopping cart bean, let's create a JSP that makes use of the cart. The JSP that we have created to do this is in Listing 13.2.

Code Listing 13.2. AddToShoppingCart.jsp
<%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %>

<!-- Instantiate the ShoppingCart bean with an id of "cart" -->
<jsp:useBean id="cart" scope="session" class="ShoppingCart" />

    <title>DVD Catalog</title>
  <!-- If there is a new item on the request add it to the cart -->
						String id = request.getParameter("id");
						if ( id != null ) {
						String desc = request.getParameter("desc");
						Float price = new Float(request.getParameter("price"));
						cart.addItem(id, desc, price.floatValue(), 1);
						%> <!-- Print the current quantity ...

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