Building config files using snippets

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Sometimes you have a situation where you want to build up a single config file from various snippets managed by different classes. For example, you might have two or three services that require rsync modules to be configured, so you can't distribute a single rsyncd.conf. Although you could use Augeas, there's a simple way to concatenate config snippets together into a single file using an exec resource.

How to do it…

  1. Create the file /etc/puppet/modules/admin/manifests/rsyncdconf.pp with the following contents:
    class admin::rsyncdconf { file { "/etc/rsyncd.d": ensure => directory, } exec { "update-rsyncd.conf": command => "/bin/cat /etc/rsyncd.d/*.conf > /etc/rsyncd.conf", ...

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