Using selectors and case statements

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Sometimes it's important to be selective. Although you could write any conditional statement using if, Puppet provides a couple of extra forms to help you express conditionals more easily such as the selector and the case statement.

How to do it…

  1. Add the following to your manifest:
    $systemtype = $operatingsystem ? {
        "Ubuntu" => "debianlike",
        "Debian" => "debianlike",
        "RedHat" => "redhatlike",
        "Fedora" => "redhatlike",
        "CentOS" => "redhatlike",
        default  => "redhatlike",
    notify { "You have a ${systemtype} system": }
  2. Next, add the following to your manifest:
    class debianlike { notify { "Special manifest for Debian-like systems": } } class redhatlike ...

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